MONT MARTE Premium Pouring Acrylic Paint 240ML Fluid Acrylic Paint


[ Instructions ]

πŸ’‹ Pre-mixed and ready to pour

πŸ’‹ Smooth flow with stunning results

πŸ’‹ Simply choose your colours and pour them onto a canvas or board to create your masterpiece.

[ Tips ]

● Add extra silicone oil to create stunning cells (ideally use heat from a blow torch for best results).

● Mix additional pouring medium with your paints to increase flow.

● Paint separation may occur due to pre-mixing. Always SHAKE WELL before use.

SKU: N/A Category:

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Phthalo Turquoise, Dark Purple, Magenta, Turquoise, Bright Yellow, Light Aquamarine, Pink, Light Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Light Purple, Cadmium Red, Mid Green, Shiraz, Coral, Dusty Pink, Dark Green, Peach, Cerulean Blue, Mint Green, Lamp Black, Titanium White, Orange, Burnt Sienna, Silver 120ML

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